Playing a game, especially a table game at a casino could be interesting, but as interesting as it is you don’t have to play the game with raw cash. If you haven’t been to a casino before you may be wondering how the cash with which the game they offer is been handle? Are they really playing casino games making use of raw cash or what? Apart from the slot games machine which you will put money into directly or when you play on daftar slot online, all other games don’t accept raw cash or currency when you are placing a betting but what is known as “Gaming Chip”

What is Gaming Chips?

Of course, this is not an electronic chip that is widely known in fact they are not the same at all. Gaming Chip in casino currency with which you play or make a bet. It could be round and sometimes square shape, the gaming chip always comes off the same size and of a different color. It is made in different face value so that the value of the bet or game could be known.

How Do you Get Gaming Chips?

On entering a casino to play table game you will approach a dealer at the gaming table, placing your money before him on the table and tell him the value of the chip you want- all casinos have the chips and some casinos do have their name engraved on it- within a few second the dealer will give you gaming chip according to the value required. The value of each chip is marked on it so, you must check to be sure the value he gave you tallies with the value required. With these, you can play a table game or make a bet.

What about Roulette Table Game?

In the case of the American Roulette, its own chip is called “Wheel Chip” as opposing the generally “Gaming Chips” and each game table has its own wheel chips distinct from other game tables, this enables the croupiers to know the best of each player.

Baccarat Chips

What makes the difference between the baccarat chips and other gaming chips is their size. The baccarat chips are a little bit bigger than any other chips.

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